Frequently Asked Questions

About the Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment

Is the IDA-2 Reliable and Valid?

  • Yes. Reliability coefficients for the Provence Profile domain scores are generally quite high, ranging from .90 to .96 for ages 1 to 18 months and .78 to .96 for ages 19 to 36 months. Inter-rater reliabilities range from .91 to .95 for seven of the eight domains and .81 for the remaining domains. Learn more about the IDA-2's Technical Qualities

Yes. The IDA-2 Criterion Referenced and meets the assessment criteria required by IDEA/Part C and is consistent with the National Task Force on Screening and Assessment of the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System (NECTAS) guidelines.
IDA2 is administered by experienced professionals in the full range of developmental disciplines including: child development specialists, early childhood special educators, early intervention professionals, nurses and nurse practitioners, occupational and physical therapists, speech and language pathologists, physicians (pediatricians, family practice, child psychiatrists), physician assistants, psychologists, social workers, audiologists & nutritionists.
The IDA-2 is used in a wide range of agencies and practices including primary health care centers, neonatal follow up programs, Birth to Three/IDEA Part C and other early intervention programs, family programs, behavioral health clinics and programs, rehabilitation centers, schools, nursing agencies, infant toddler early care centers, and many others.
The IDA-2 authors strongly advise that users be trained for effective validity and reliability. Training is offered by the IDA Institute through the IDA-2 Online Course or by customized on-site Seminars for larger groups. You can learn more about the value of IDA-2 training from former learners through User Testimonials.
Yes, the IDA-2 Record Form for scoring the Provence Profile, and the IDA-2 Parent Report Form are both available in Spanish. You can get them directly from the IDA Institute.

Please contact us directly if you have further questions!

If you have inquiries about the IDA-2 or the IDA Institute please send us your questions through our contact form.

If you need technical assistance with your IDA-2 training account or other issues, support is available.